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Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol poisoning is a Life-Threatening Condition that results from excessive consumption of alcohol within a short time. This happens when the level of alcohol in the bloodstream reaches toxic levels and overwhelms the body’s ability to process it. Due to excessive amounts of alcohol liver cannot metabolize enough alcohol quickly. Hence it causes the accumulation of alcohol in the blood and disturbs the body’s normal functioning. It causes vomiting, confusion, unconsciousness, and even death.

Prompt medical treatment is crucial to prevent long-term damage or fatal results. Recognition of symptoms and understanding of risks linked with alcohol poisoning is essential for individuals who consume excessive alcohol or live in an environment where alcohol consumption is common.


Alcohol poisoning causes disturbance in normal body functioning. Its common symptoms are discussed below:

  • Confusion: It causes difficulty in clear thinking and making decisions.
  • Vomiting: Due to excessive alcohol consumption the body expels out alcohol.
  • Seizures: A severe reaction to drinking that involves uncontrollable shaking. 
  • Slow or irregular breathing: Breathing may be erratic or slow. It may slow down or stop suddenly.
  • Hypothermia: The body’s temperature decreases substantially and skin color becomes cold or bluish.
  • Unconsciousness: The person may pass out and may become unconscious. 


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When to See a Doctor

If you see someone who has alcohol poisoning, go for immediate medical attention. Its severe symptoms include vomiting, irregular breathing, unconsciousness, and seizures. Do not wait for the symptoms to improve on their own, rather they will worsen the condition and will result in fatal consequences.

Prompt medical treatment will prevent long-term damage. Alcohol poisoning is a medical emergency that requires time and decisive action to save a life. At Fitwell Hub we provide access to healthcare professionals who can assist you in such emergencies.


Alcohol poisoning is mainly caused by consuming excessive amounts of alcohol within a short period surpassing the liver’s ability to metabolize it.

1- Binge Drinking

Alcohol poisoning is usually caused by binge drinking, in which large quantities of alcohol are consumed within a short period. It increases the level of alcohol in the bloodstream, disturbing the liver’s ability to break it down effectively.

2- High Alcohol Content

Hard liquor or spirits contain a higher percentage of alcohol content. These liquid drinks consume alcohol in large quantities per volume and increase the risk of alcohol poisoning.

3- Empty Stomach

On an empty stomach, alcohol is more easily absorbed into the bloodstream. To slow down the process of absorption without food alcohol reaches the liver and other internal organs more rapidly, increasing the risk of alcohol poisoning.

4- Mixing Alcohol with Drugs

Alcohol can interact with some medications or recreational drugs to enhance toxic effects. Such interaction impairs the body’s metabolisms, increasing its concentration in the blood and thus increasing the chances of poisoning.

5- Rapid Consumption

Drinking alcohol rapidly generally in the form of shots or chugging leads to a sudden and dangerous increase in blood alcohol levels. The body has to struggle to process large amounts of alcohol in a short time, which causes serious health complications, including alcohol poisoning.

Risk Factors

Some risk factors contributing to the development of alcohol poisoning are discussed below:

  • Age: Young age individuals, particularly teenagers, are more addicted to alcohol poisoning and binge drinking.
  • Sex: Women’s immune system has less tolerance for alcohol than men, which makes them more prone to alcohol poisoning.
  • Body Weight: Individuals having low body weight process alcohol more slowly, and have an increased risk of developing alcohol poisoning.
  • Previous Drinking Experience: People who don’t have a lot of drinking experience may not be aware of their limits.
  • Mental Health Conditions: People having any mental health issues like anxiety, depression, etc are at higher risk of getting alcohol poisoning due to self-treating behaviors.


Alcohol poisoning can cause serious and life-threatening complications. A few common complications are discussed below:

  • Choking: Alcohol poisoning commonly causes vomiting. If a person is not conscious, he may choke on his vomit, which causes asphyxiation.
  • Severe Dehydration: Excessive consumption of alcohol causes vomiting and loss of fluids, which causes severe dehydration, and leads to brain damage.
  • Hypothermia: Alcohol poisoning can decrease the body’s temperature to dangerous levels causing hypothermia, and resulting in cardiac arrest.
  • Brain Damage: Long periods of unconsciousness and deficiency of oxygen to the brain can lead to permanent brain damage.
  • Death: In the most intense cases, alcohol poisoning can cause death due to respiratory failure, choking, and other complications.


By following these preventive measures alcohol poisoning can be prevented.

  • Pace Your Drinking: Avoid consumption of alcohol too quickly.
  • Eat Before and During Drinking: Food can slow down the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream. Therefore do not drink with an empty stomach.
  • Stay Hydrated: Use excessive water between alcoholic drinks to reduce dehydration and slow down your drinking speed.
  • Monitor Alcohol Intake: Monitor your consumption of alcohol and do not mix it with medications or drugs.

Fitwell Hub’s Healthy Elite Lifestyle Program offers resources and support for preventing alcohol-related illnesses. For more information, visit FitwellHub.


By the evaluation of symptoms and performing certain diagnostic tests blood alcohol levels can be determined.

  • Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Test: This is used to measure the amount of alcohol in the blood.
  • Breathalyzer: It is a device used to evaluate blood alcohol concentration from a breath sample.
  • Glucose and Electrolyte Tests: Used to check imbalances caused by alcohol poisoning.
  • Liver Function Tests: Used to evaluate the liver’s ability to process alcohol.
  • Urine Tests: Used to determine the presence and concentration of alcohol in the system.

At Fitwell Hub we have dedicated labs that provide these and other relevant tests. Learn more about our lab services.


Treatment plans are designed to stabilize the patient’s condition and prevent further complications. Some commonly used treatments are given below: 

1- Intravenous Fluids

IV fluids are used to replace lost electrolytes and prevent dehydration primarily due to overdrinking. In addition, IV fluids will help the body regain and recover from alcohol poisoning.

2- Oxygen Therapy

When breathing is impaired, oxygen therapy is used to assist with breathing and prevent brain damage due to a lack of oxygen. It helps the vital organs receive the required amount of oxygen.

3- Stomach Pumping

In severe cases, stomach pumping (gastric lavage) may done to remove alcohol from the stomach. It prevents further absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream.

4- Medications

Doctors use certain medications to control seizures and other complications. Some medications are prescribed to control seizures, agitation, or other complications that are caused by alcohol poisoning. These stabilize the patient and prevent further health issues.


Medications are used to manage symptoms and prevent further complications of alcohol poisoning.

  • Benzodiazepines: Used to manage agitation and seizures.
  • Antiemetics: Used to control nausea and prevent vomiting.
  • Electrolyte Solutions: Used to restore normal blood composition.
  • Antibiotics: Used for secondary infections caused by complications.
  • Activated Charcoal: Used to prevent the absorption of alcohol in the stomach.

At Fitwell Hub’s pharmacy, we offer these medications that are more shaped to the specific needs of individuals recovering from alcohol poisoning. For more details visit Fitwell Pharmacy.


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Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ’s)

What helps alcohol poisoning?

Get medical help immediately. To avoid choking, keep the patient hydrated, conscious, and seated at this time. Never give up on them or allow them to “sleep it off.”

How long does it take to recover from alcohol poisoning?

Recovery depends on the severity of the condition, it may take a few days or several hours. In severe conditions, hospitalization may become crucial, and rest, fluids, and medical attention may all be necessary for a full recovery.

Why do I feel weird 2 days after drinking?

You feel weird because of dehydration, disturbed sleep, or persistent effects of alcohol on the brain and body, like anxiety and fatigue.

What is the best food and drink for alcohol poisoning?

You should eat light, easily digestible food items like bread or crackers and concentrate on staying hydrated with electrolytes or water drinks. Do not eat anything oily until you’re well.

How does an alcohol overdose kill you?

Alcohol overdoses can result in fatal respiratory failure, choking, extreme dehydration, or cardiac arrest. The central nervous system, which regulates respiration and heart rate, is impacted by it.



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