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Nutritional Value of Apples

Nutritional Value of Apples

Apples are not only delicious but also rich in nutritional value. They are rich in vitamins minerals and anti-oxidants that provide various health benefits, improving your overall health. This article discusses the nutritional value of apples and why you should include them in your diet.

What Makes Apples Nutritious

Apples are low-calorie fruits that would help improve your health. One medium apple contains almost 95 calories.

In addition, apples are high in dietary fiber and rich in vitamins and minerals. These fruits contain several antioxidants that are ideal for any diet plan. Know more about the health benefits of apples.

Apples Nutritional Value Calculator

You can find the nutrition of a specific quantity of apples of any particular type with the help of our simple nutritional value calculator. The values are not exact estimates and are taken from the US Department of Agriculture’s FoodData Central.

Apple Nutrition Calculator

Apple Nutrition Calculator

Check out types of apples to know the key differences between different types of apples.

Major Nutrients in Apples

Major Nutrients in Apples

Apples contain dietary fiber. One medium-sized apple contains about 4 grams of fiber. This means it can help with digestion and make you feel fuller for a longer period.

The more you eat fiber, the more likely you are to keep your digestive system in the best shape possible since fiber helps prevent constipation. The more fiber-rich food you consume, the easier it is to achieve a healthy bowel movement.

1- Vitamin C

One medium apple contains around 14% of your daily Vitamin C intake. Vitamin C is essential for your immune system.

This vitamin will help your body have the ability to heal itself and resist infection. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, so it helps you combat oxidative stress within your body for health.

2- Potassium

Apples are a good source of potassium. Potassium helps keep the blood pressure in check. A medium-sized apple has about 195 mg of potassium.

This mineral keeps the heart healthy by ensuring the proper balance of fluids within the body. It will help reduce the chances of stroke and decrease the effect of hypertension if the person takes enough potassium.

3- Vitamin K

Apples contain a small amount of Vitamin K. Vitamin K is used for blood clotting and bone health. Although apples are not the richest source of Vitamin K, they add to your daily intake if included in a balanced diet.

4- Antioxidants

Apples contain antioxidants. These are substances that may protect your cells from harm. The antioxidant present in apples is most abundant with quercetin, which might have anti-inflammatory properties. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals that can lead to chronic diseases and old age.

5- Calories in Apples

Apples vary in calorie intake according to size and type. The smallest apple has 77 calories, while the biggest can have up to 116 calories.

Apples are a smart way to give in to your sweet tooth without eating too many calories. Being naturally sweet, apples make for a great snack choice, especially when trying to limit added sugars. Apples have low-calorie content and also contain a lot of water, which makes them have low-calorie density. This means you can have a good-sized amount of apples without consuming too many calories.

The feature that makes apples the best option for those watching their weight is that you can eat more apples without ingesting much more calories.

Debunked Myths Regarding Apples

Are Apples fattening?

No, apples are not fattening. They are very low in calories and also contain a lot of fiber; therefore, they would make a healthy snack to add to your diet.

This would help in maintaining the hunger pangs at a level while still keeping your body supplied with some important nutrients without taking more calories than needed. However, if you want to know about the potential risks of apples, check out the side effects of apples.

Should You Eat or Avoid Apple Peel?

However, many people ask if their apple skins are bad for them. Skins are full of nutrients and fiber. To get the most health benefits, it’s better to consume the entire apple.

Much of an apple’s antioxidant compounds are actually in the skin, which is discarded while eating, potentially missing those health-enhancing properties. Know more about apple peel.

Can Consuming Apples Cause An Allergy?

Some individuals develop allergic reactions to apples. As allergic reactions, for example, swelling or itching may happen in your mouth.

You should consult a doctor in case you develop such symptoms. Apples are often related to pollen cross-reactions usually from the birch plant. Do not make a self-diagnosis, but rather call a professional about the alleged allergy.

Bottom Line

Apples are a healthy fruit that can improve your diet, with their nutritional value. They contain a lot of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. Apples have a lot of health benefits, including proper digestion and heart health, if consumed regularly.

There are many ways to eat apples, or you can even enjoy apple juice.  They can be included in your meals and snacks. Do not forget to consume them with the skin for more nutrients. However, you might like to know whether you should consume apple seeds or not.

So, the next time you are looking for a healthy snack, go for an apple! With all the varieties, you will surely find an apple that fits your taste buds: from sweet to tart. Thus, it can be added to any diet with much ease. Enjoy the goodness of apples and everything they have to offer for a healthier you!



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